Beauty In Nature & Naturally Beautiful

Ralph “Waldo” Emerson; philosopher, poet and leader of the transcendentalist movement of the 19th century wrote that nature is beautiful because it is alive, moving and reproductive.  

The people of the Book namely the Muslims, Christians and Jews believed that God is The Beautiful Creator and Fashioner who created the universe and the world in all its glory, splendour, beauty and majesty. Regardless of what other faith or belief systems you subscribe to, you can or will agree with this statement. 

The first verse in the Bible reads “In the beginning, “God created the heavens and the earth.” and that  Adam and Eve were the first humans, created by God on the sixth day of Creation. The Jews believed that to create Adam, God moistened the earth with mist, formed a body from the dust, and breathed life into the figure. The Muslims too believe that God created Adam from a handful of earth mixed with water. Even if you are an atheist, modern science says that some millions of years ago, the newly cooled earth was lifeless and that life originated in nature, namely the ocean. Even the Buddhists believed that humans, initially lifeless, consumed physical nourishment from mother nature and began to resemble human beings.  

Earth, mist, water and oceans; these are parts of the earth and nature. Therefore, any way you look at it, our beginnings are directly or indirectly related to mother earth in one way, shape or form.  We are a part of nature in the same way that nature is a part of us which is why we endear to it so much. And those that are held dear to us are usually beautiful to us. In and of itself and in addition to that, nature has also always given us non-physical beauty in terms of tranquillity and guidance on how to co-exist and live harmoniously. This last point is made more pertinent if our livelihood depends on nature.